
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2011

Tidak Apa-Apa, Semua Akan Baik-Baik Saja

Dear my lovely blog :) Hari ini hari yang tidak biasa.  Kemarin malam, saya tidak bisa tidur dengan nyenyak karena begitu khawatir hari ini akan datang. Saya belum siap. Well, inilah hari itu. Saya ditunjuk jadi ketua pelaksana Speech Contest untuk PG-MIPA BI. Saya menggantikan posisi seorang senior saya karena dia mengundurkan diri. Sayangnya, hari H tinggal 2 minggu lagi dan belum ada persiapan apapun.  Maka dengan percaya diri, saya sanggupi tanggung jawab tersebut. Saya pikir, semua akan lancar jika saya optimis. Ternyata, untuk berhasil, kita butuh lebih dari sikap optimis. Dalam 2 minggu itu, tugas saya sedang banyak-banyaknya. Dan kelas saya juga harus mementaskan DRAMA untuk tugas semester. Ditambah lagi beberapa tanggung jawab dari organisasi yang saya ketuai. Bisa ditebak, saya tidak fokus mengurus Speech Contest. Itulah yang membuat saya cemas. Dengan persiapan singkat dibantu 2 rekan saya (panitia speech ini hanya 2 orang),  Speech Contest ini pun diadaka

How do I acquire my L2?

Different pond, different fish. This proverb works for many cases, one of them is in acquiring second language (L2). I do believe all people have their own way to acquire their L2. These differences occur because people born to be different, although we have similarities in our brain, body and so on. We have some weakness and strength in several factors that influence us to be different. In this essay, I would like to discuss how I acquire my L2. First of all I will define what second language (L2) is. According to Troike (2006), second language is the language that used officially by society and government for many areas and institutions. It is often acquired by immigrants who are native in another language. For example, I am Indonesian who is studying in Harvard University in USA . In this situation, English is my L2. In the real life, English also my second language since I enter English Study Program in University of Jambi . Why I use “since I enter English Study Program in

Inspiring Local Entrepreneurship

Nowadays, in Indonesia , spirit of entrepreneurship is spreading. Many young people want to be entrepreneur. We can see that, entrepreneurship can run the economy. It can reduce the high number of unemployment. Indirectly, it will also help government to against poverty. However, to survive in the tight competition in the market, an entrepreneur should be unique and also can contribute directly to help society around him. In this essay, I would like to discuss, how important we bring local potentiality in our business. Before we are going to our discussion, let we see the entrepreneurship in our environment. Many entrepreneurs can’t play their role as well as possible. Entrepreneur should be the person who not only run the business for the profit to himself but also develop the society and help other people by creating the opportunities. Actually, we already have some of excellence entrepreneur such as Sandiaga Uno. However, to give significant changes, we need more excellence entre